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Android is the most vulnerable OS

Every 18 seconds someone, somewhere is making a virus designed to take advantage of the inherent flaws in the Android OS.  This is to take advantage of the fact that there are over one million apps available for download in the Google Play store to cater for the 1 billion plus user base.

The rise in smartphone uptake has lead to an increase in internet banking usage. As with all things users are drawn to the convenience, if not the security aspects.
The growth in mobile banking has, in turn, been matched by an increase in the number of malware programs designed to relieve users of their hard earned money. Eugene Kaspersky stated that banking apps made for Android OS were most vulnerable to cyber crime.

G Data, conducted a mobile security audit which revealed:

"50 percent of Android malware currently being distributed has a financially motivated origin and includes banking Trojans, SMS Trojans and the like."  

The actual percentage may be higher, the ratio was taken from that of known cases.

Android's open source nature makes it more accessible to amateur developers and malware creators than other formats. Google's less rigid (compared to iOS) verification model allows the ever increasing Android-centric malware market to flourish. 

Users are advised to avoid downloading any apps from non-official sources. The Google Play and F-Droid app libraries are the safest options. Sites that offer paid apps for free are often used as a ruse to spread malware.

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